"Lissa's Trip," directed by the talented Jeffery Lando, has taken home an impressive four awards at the PAIFF! This modern-day fairy tale, loosely inspired by Homer’s Odyssey, follows Lissa, an actress who accidentally takes a lot of acid before a crucial audition. Her journey through the streets of Los Angeles is filled with bizarre characters and situations that challenge her sense of reality and identity, leading her to discover her true self and creative potential.
Jeffery Lando, known for his award-winning genre thrillers and TV movies, brings his unique vision to "Lissa's Trip," blending humor, adventure, and emotion into a dazzling cinematic experience. Lando’s expertise, honed over decades of filmmaking, shines through in this whimsical and imaginative film.
The PAIFF committee praised "Lissa's Trip" for its perfect pace, structure, and compelling performances, especially highlighting Sofia Vassilieva’s portrayal of Lissa. The film’s accurate portrayal of a psychedelic vision, coupled with engaging dialogue and a beautiful wrap-up, makes it a standout piece.
"Lissa's Trip" has earned the following prestigious awards at the festival:
Best Director - Feature: Jeffery Lando for "Lissa's Trip," USA
Best Editing - Feature: "Lissa's Trip," Directed by Jeffery Lando, USA
Best Actress - Feature: Sofia Vassilieva as “Lissa” in "Lissa's Trip," Directed by Jeffery Lando, USA
Best Sound Design - Feature: "Lissa's Trip," Directed by Jeffery Lando, USA
These awards highlight the film's exceptional direction, editing, acting, and sound design. Critics have hailed "Lissa's Trip" as “whimsical, provocative, imaginative, and uplifting.” Don’t miss this fun and enriching film experience—it's a must-watch for anyone seeking a complete and captivating cinematic journey.